Jim Hurley

Positions and Employment

1987                            Guest Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
1990-1992                   Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Univ. of Oregon
1992-1997                   Tenure Track Investigator, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
1997-2013                  Senior Investigator, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
1998-2013                   Chief, Section on Structural Biology and Cell Signaling, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
July 2013-                   Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley

1987Guest Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
1990-1992Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Univ. of Oregon
1992-1997Tenure Track Investigator, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
1997-2013Senior Investigator, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
1998-2013Chief, Section on Structural Biology and Cell Signaling, LMB, NIDDK, NIH
July 2013-Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley

Selected Professional Service

1997-1998X-ray Biology panel, National Synchrotron Light Source
1997-2002Instructor, FAES Graduate School at NIH
1999-2003Editorial Committee, Annual Reviews of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
1998-2001Scientific advisory committee, HHMI synchrotron X4 beam lines
1999-presentEditorial board, Structure (1999- ), Developmental Cell (2005- ), Cell (2009- )
2009Co-chair, annual meeting of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2010Co-organizer, ASBMB special symposium on “Biochemistry and Cell Biology of ESCRTs in Health and Disease”, Snowbird, UT, Oct. 14-17, 2010
2011-2012Scientific Advisory Board, NIGMS AIDS-related Structural Biology Centers


1984Phi Beta Kappa
1984Phi Beta Kappa Fellowship
1987-1988University Fellowship, UCSF
1988-1990University of California Regent’s Fellowship
1991-1992American Cancer Society Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1998Maryland’s Outstanding Young Scientist & Allan C. Davis medal
2009SER-CAT Outstanding Science Award
2012Chiron Lectures, UC Berkeley
2013Judy C. Webb Endowed Chair in the Biological Sciences
2014Hans Neurath Award